Citizens' Dog Park
Located at Alabama and 113th Avenue
Any person may use, at their own risk, any dog park provided that such use is consistent with the use restrictions and prohibitions set forth in the Town Code §6.04.060. The following rules apply to the Citizens' Dog Park.
1. Owners of dogs or persons who bring any dogs to a park, facility, or open space are required to clean up after such dogs.
2. Children under thirteen (13) years of age must be accompanied by a person at least eighteen (18) years old in order to bring a dog to a park, facility or open space.
3. All dogs older than 4 months must be licensed, vaccinated, and must wear their identification and permit tags to use the park. Dogs younger than 4 months may be permitted to use the park if they are under the owner’s control and do not cause any disruption to other dogs, park patrons, or park facilities.
4. Dogs are required to be under voice control and within the owner's sight at all times when using a dog park.
5. Owners are required to immediately remove any dog exhibiting aggressive behavior toward another dog or any person including the owner in a dog park.
6. Eating or bringing any food into a dog park is prohibited.
7. Bringing more than three (3) dogs per person into a dog park is prohibited.
8. Dogs showing signs of illness are not allowed in the dog park. Dogs must be spayed and neutered to use the dog park.
9. All special uses and competitive events must be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager prior to any event.
10. Users may not enter a dog park at any time other than posted operational hours.
11. The Town Manager or the Town Public Works Manager may close the park for performance of routine maintenance or preparation for a reserved use, or when deemed necessary to protect public safety, dog safety, or property. Notice shall be posted when closed. The notice shall reasonably describe the time and period of closure for the area.
12. No person who has custody of an animal shall cause or permit the animal to cause damage to any Town property including but not limited to trees, shrubs, plants, turf and landscaping. No person shall cause the lighting facilities or electrical appliances to be turned on or used without written permission of the Town Manager.
13. It is unlawful for a person or animal to remain in or return to the dog park after a reasonable request to leave by the Town Manager, Public Works Manager, a Town code enforcement officer, or a law enforcement officer.