Fee Schedule


Project Valuation

Permit Fee

$0 Value - Minimum Fee


$1 to $500


$501 to $2,000

$75 for 1st $500 + $3.05/each additional $100 or fraction thereof up to and including $2,000

$2,001 to $25,000

$120.75 for 1st $2,000 + $14/each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof up to and including $25,000

$$25,001 to $50,000

$442.75 for 1st $25,000 + $10.10/each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof up to and including $50,000

$50,001 to $100,000

$695.25 for 1st $50,000 + $7/each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof up to and including $100,000

$100,001 to $500,000

$1,045.25 for 1st $100,000 + $5.60/each additional $1,000 or fraction therof up to and including $500,000

 $500,000 to $1,000,000  $3,285.25 for 1st $500,000 + $4.75/each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof up to and including $1,000,000
 $1,000,001 and up   $5,660.25 for 1st $1,000,000 +$3.65/each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof
 Plan Check Fee 65% of Building Permti Fee

Permit fees are based on the valuation (building square footage by standard rate for occupancy) of each building or building addition.  For fee calculation purposes, building square footage shall be the total area of all floors under roof and enclosed within the surface of the outside enclosing walls or columns.

Building square footage includes roofed patios or porches, windows, basements, mezzanine and penthouses or other mechanical spaces. Building square footage does not include roof eaves or overhangs not exceeding 3 feet in depth, courts or light shafts open at the top, or unroofed patios or porches. The fees for each building shall be separately calculated.

Minimum valuation of the work shall be determined by Community Development based on nationally recognized standards and shall include the value of materials, labor, overhead and profit.